Spotlight 4 Success

Supporting Teachers Beyond School

American Book Company Season 1

Explore the unique intersection of education and real estate with our guest, Marsha Neal. As a middle school teacher and realtor from Charleston, South Carolina, Marsha shares her inspiring journey and how she empowers educators beyond the classroom. Discover how she merges her passions by offering valuable homeownership opportunities to teachers across the state, leveraging programs like the Palmetto Heroes to provide significant down payment assistance. With her experience in organizing resource-rich booths at the South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics conference, Marsha highlights the importance of supporting teachers in both their professional and personal lives.

Devin Pintozzi:

Welcome to Spotlight for Success by American Book Company. We are here at the South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics with Marsha Neal, with Carolina One Real Estates. Welcome, Marsha.

Marsha Neal:

Thank you.

Devin Pintozzi:

Can you tell us a little bit about what brought you here to SCCTM?

Marsha Neal:

Sure, I am a teacher and a realtor. So I teach middle school in Charleston, south Carolina, and I've been a realtor for one year.

Devin Pintozzi:

Wow, and so what brought you into? What are some things in the classroom you're currently teaching.

Marsha Neal:


Devin Pintozzi:

All right, and so what kind of things have you brought or that you're hoping to get out of this conference dealing with teaching?

Marsha Neal:

I'm actually on the board. So I've helped set up and I'm helping run the SCCTM and NCTM booth. And then I also have my real estate booth. We're trying to open up the home ownership to teachers across the state. So we have numerous programs through Carolina One that can help teachers with down payment assistance programs. So by coming here, where it's all teachers, I'm able to give them information that they might not get elsewhere.

Devin Pintozzi:

That's wonderful. Do you have any stories to share about a particular situation where you felt like you were able to be really helpful with RealtyOne?

Marsha Neal:

Yep, I just helped get a first-time home buyer into a brand new home.

Devin Pintozzi:


Marsha Neal:

She actually stopped looking because she got discouraged, because she didn't think she made enough money. But then with some new builds, there's a lot of incentives that people don't know about. If they're not using a realtor, they're not able to know about these incentive programs. So we were able to get her into a brand new house for cheaper than she was paying her rent.

Devin Pintozzi:

Wow, that is a success story, right there. Wow, how incredible is that. And so you're doing that, day in, day out.

Marsha Neal:


Devin Pintozzi:

Helping people like her. Fantastic, that's great. And so how does that work within your realty team?

Marsha Neal:

I have loan officers that work with us and we just pair up and try to get the information out to as many people as we can.

Devin Pintozzi:

Okay, that's awesome, and I understand that one of your compadres is here, is that?

Marsha Neal:

correct. Yes, cCasey's here with me today. I did want to mention that, even though we're located in Charleston, we have referral programs, so if you contact me, I can help get you into a house, no matter where you live, even if you're in a whole nother country or state. Oh wow, the Palmetto Heroes program is only for teachers, nurses, certain professions that are considered like firemen, police officers, and that usually opens up in March, so, but that's $12,000 to $15,000 of a down payment assistant that the state offers to the heroes in the state.

Devin Pintozzi:

What is the website for that?

Marsha Neal:

They can. Just my website is movingwithmarshaneal. com, so they can go on there and contact me and I can get them everything they need to know.

Devin Pintozzi:

Okay, is that .com or ?

Marsha Neal:

Yes, .com movingwithmarshaneal. com.

Devin Pintozzi:

Wonderful Well, thank you so much, Marsha.

Marsha Neal:

Thank you

Devin Pintozzi:

I appreciate it.